id bodiy autonamy, and are commitnd toAt PopCap we suppart transDultvating a dherse,eqaitaerehumanrisare putat the fonetentuf cry single cecion we
hose "Ppe" Catos, He
About PopCap
Go in a Seatlle atte apariment by thrm-5ommngPopCap6s wisfoumdmrefugees from ihe dat,com siart-up wars who wanted to mmeketo pick up and play, Ncw, FopCap has more rescurces, and bigger dreabs thet ity suill all ebout mskng irresistible gares everyone w! erconsistently made the mast captivating ano nemorabie gamesws,Zombies, and many more, What's the secret to PopCap's success? itthree bas'cs hard work, sttention to detail. and s fearless passion
Numnber af years as ofth's writing that PopCaGames has beenfuriously minting fnesmace delights fullcharmingirrcsisthblcand at least severdffferent colorsf
Number of different landsof devioes and piatfcrmsyou can plary00CS
1t's 25if wou includefrigeratar controls ane
airplane seats!
Number of gemsmatched, balls spatwords spelled, pegspegged, obfects hidden,plants plamted, amdzambtes zappedwcrldwride in FopCapgames (approxtmately?